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What are the efficacy and value of Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum what are the methods of consumption 
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When it comes to chrysanthemum, you must be very familiar with, we can often at the roadside, park or flower shop can be seen in this plant, we all know that chrysanthemum has certain ornamental value, but also has ornamental value, good medicinal value. It has certain curative effect on the treatment of eyes, cold wind heat, a lot of people on weekdays also love to drink tea with chrysanthemum chrysanthemum, all by a lot of people's favorite. So what are the edible methods of chrysanthemum, and its efficacy and what?


Steps / methods:

Chrysanthemum first had the effect of lowering blood pressure, chrysanthemum have lower blood pressure, eliminate cancer cells, expansion of coronary artery and bacteria inhibition, long-term drinking chrysanthemum people can increase the body's calcium, lower cholesterol, chrysanthemum is very suitable for the elderly and prevention of epidemic conjunctivitis when drinking.


Chrysanthemum also the eyes of a certain effect, can play the role of eyesight. Chrysanthemum in addition to smear the eyes can eliminate swelling, usually can make a cup of Chrysanthemum Tea to drink, not only can eliminate eye fatigue, but also some of the benefits of the body, if you drink 3-4 cup of Chrysanthemum Tea every day, also have certain effect on the recovery of visual acuity.

Chrysanthemum has a refreshing effect, because the chrysanthemum is a nerve agent, can enhance the capillary resistance, can play a role in delaying aging, enhance physical strength. Chrysanthemum has good sedative effect, often drinking chrysanthemum can make people body relaxed, refreshing.

Matters needing attention:

I think about the benefits of chrysanthemum, we should all know, we go to choose chrysanthemum, do not choose too bright color, the chrysanthemum can not drink, mildew, the chrysanthemum will harm the human body.

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